Fresh forward

I’m in awe. We got a booking today! It’s only for 1 January but even so, it’s a near miracle; someone (Someone ?) out there sees light, and life, after Corona. I saw, in recent weeks, extraordinary resilience in an industry and its people. In spite of the ugly Covid-19 spiked sword dangling precariously over us, the likes of SATSA and TBCSA (tourism governing bodies) and many of its members have been at work, caucusing and super-humanly putting together safety protocols and ‘way forward’ plans for when tourism returns to our shores.

This, while I find myself in a deep, dark, most pessimistic rut, sporting the opposite ‘not in a million years…well, 1 year, at least’, outlook and a ‘why bother now if we’re going to be potting around the doldrums forever?’ grin.

I salute you, governing body officials and workers, for your commitment to your lore and to tourism in South Africa while others languish in their shells as the horizon seems light years away.

Fresh forward…